Gerard Manley Hopkins, selected poems worksheet downloads

Worksheet downloads - The poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins

 Topical worksheets 

 Investigate worksheets 

 Hopkins: (a) Alliteration   Investigate! Hopkins: As Kingfishers Catch Fire 
 Hopkins: (a)i Alliteration    Investigate! Hopkins: Binsey Poplars 
 Hopkins: (b) God's Grandeur   Investigate! Hopkins: The Blessed Virgin Mary Compared To The Air We Breathe 
 Hopkins: (c) Henry Purcell   Investigate! Hopkins: Carrion Comfort 
 Hopkins: (d) The Sea and the Skylark   Investigate! Hopkins: Duns Scotus' Oxford 
 Hopkins: (e) Hurrahing in Harvest & The Starlight Night   Investigate! Hopkins: God's Grandeur 
 Hopkins: (f) I Wake and Feel   Investigate! Hopkins: Hurrahing in Harvest 
    Investigate! Hopkins: Harry Ploughman 
    Investigate! Hopkins: Henry Purcell 
    Investigate! Hopkins: Inversnaid 
    Investigate! Hopkins: I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark 
    Investigate! Hopkins: My Own Heart, Let Me Have Pity 
    Investigate! Hopkins: No Worst, There is None 
    Investigate! Hopkins: Patience, Hard Thing! 
    Investigate! Hopkins: Pied Beauty 
    Investigate! Hopkins: Spelt from Sibyl's Leaves 
    Investigate! Hopkins: Spring 
    Investigate! Hopkins: Spring and Fall 
    Investigate! Hopkins: St. Alphonsus Rodriguez 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The May Magnificat 
    Investigate! Hopkins: That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Sea and the Skylark 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Starlight Night 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Windhover 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Wreck of the Deutschland: Going deeper, Stanzas 1-5 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Wreck of the Deutschland: Going deeper, Stanzas 6-10 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Wreck of the Deutschland: Going deeper, Stanzas 11-16 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Wreck of the Deutschland: Going deeper, Stanzas 17-23 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Wreck of the Deutschland: Going deeper, Stanzas 24-30 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Wreck of the Deutschland: Going deeper, Stanzas 31-35 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Wreck of the Deutschland: Critical analysis 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Wreck of the Deutschland: Imagery and symbolism 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Wreck of the Deutschland: Language and tone 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Wreck of the Deutschland: Structure and versification 
    Investigate! Hopkins: The Wreck of the Deutschland: Themes 
    Investigate! Hopkins: Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord 
    Investigate! Hopkins: Tom's Garland 
    Investigate! Hopkins: To Seem the Stranger 
    Investigate! Hopkins: To What Serves Mortal Beauty? 

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