The White Devil worksheet downloads

Worksheet downloads - The White Devil

Topical worksheets

 Investigate worksheets 

 The White Devil: (a) Act one
 Investigate! The White Devil: Act 1 
 The White Devil: (b) Isabella  Investigate! The White Devil: Act 2 
 The White Devil: (b)i Isabella  Investigate! The White Devil: Act 3 
 The White Devil: (c) Flamineo  Investigate! The White Devil: Act 4 
 The White Devil: (c)i Flamineo  Investigate! The White Devil: Act 5 
 The White Devil: (d) Power and the court  
 The White Devil: (e) A gothic text?  
 The White Devil: (e)i A gothic text?  
 The White Devil: (f) Good or evil?  
 The White Devil: (f)i Good or evil?  
 Intertextuality: The White Devil Act 5, scene 2  

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