Wuthering Heights worksheet downloads

Worksheet downloads - Wuthering Heights

 Topical worksheets 

 Investigate worksheets 

 Wuthering Heights: (a) Opening   Investigate! Wuthering Heights: Investigating the novel 
 Wuthering Heights: (b) Gothic   
 Wuthering Heights: (bi) Gothic handout   
 Wuthering Heights: (c) Two houses   
 Wuthering Heights: (d) Character doubling  
 Wuthering Heights: (di) Character doubling handout   
 Wuthering Heights: (e) A tragic tale   
 Wuthering Heights: (f) Imagery and symbolism   
 Wuthering Heights: (fi) Imagery and symbolism handout   
 Wuthering Heights: (fii) Imagery and symbolism handout   
 Wuthering Heights: (iii) Imagery and symbolism handout   

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