A-Z: General definitions
- H.G. Wells
- Habit
- Hades
- Hadrian
- Haecceitas
- Hagar
- Hagiography
- Hajj
- Halcyon
- Hallelujah
- Hallowe'en
- Hallowed
- Halo
- Ham
- Hamartia
- Hannah
- Hanoverian
- Harlequin
- Harlequinade
- Harriet Martineau
- Harrowing of Hell
- Hassock
- Heart
- Heathen
- Heaven
- Heavenly
- Heavenly city
- Heavenly feast
- Hebrew
- Hecate
- Hector
- Hecuba
- Hedonistic
- Hegemony
- Heir
- Heiress
- Helen
- Helen Gurley Brown
- Helen of Troy
- Helenus
- Helicon, Mount
- Helios
- Hell
- Hellenic
- Helmet of salvation
A-Z: General definitions: Hagiography
Writings about the saints; colloquially, biographical writing which treats the subject as if s/he were a saint.
The account of an individual's life by another person; the genre of writing other people's lives.
In the New Testament the term is used of all Christians but gradually came to describe an especially holy person.
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