A-Z: General definitions
- H.G. Wells
- Habit
- Hades
- Hadrian
- Haecceitas
- Hagar
- Hagiography
- Hajj
- Halcyon
- Hallelujah
- Hallowe'en
- Hallowed
- Halo
- Ham
- Hamartia
- Hannah
- Hanoverian
- Harlequin
- Harlequinade
- Harriet Martineau
- Harrowing of Hell
- Hassock
- Heart
- Heathen
- Heaven
- Heavenly
- Heavenly city
- Heavenly feast
- Hebrew
- Hecate
- Hector
- Hecuba
- Hedonistic
- Hegemony
- Heir
- Heiress
- Helen
- Helen Gurley Brown
- Helen of Troy
- Helenus
- Helicon, Mount
- Helios
- Hell
- Hellenic
- Helmet of salvation
A-Z: General definitions: Hecuba
Priam's chief wife. Mother of many children, including Hector, Paris, Helenus and Cassandra. When she was expecting Paris, she dreamed that she would give birth to a fire which would destroy Troy. So Paris was given to a shepherd as soon as he was born, with orders to be abandoned. But he lived, was recognised and accepted on his return to Troy and went on to bring destruction on Troy.
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Apple of Discord and Judgement of Paris
The most powerful and last king of Troy.
Son of king Priam of Troy and the mainstay of the Trojan force until killed by Achilles.
Son of King Priam of Troy.
Twin of Cassandra and son of Priam and Hecuba.
Daughter of Priam and Hecuba of Troy. A true prophet fated never to be believed.
An ancient city on the Asiatic shore of the Hellespont; it was sacked by the Greeks after a ten-year siege.
The Apple of Discord mischievously offered 'for the fairest' by Eris at the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, given by Paris to Aphrodite.
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