A-Z: General definitions
- Rabbi
- Rachel
- Rack
- Rahab
- Rainbow
- Ramah
- Ramoth-Gilead
- Ransom
- Raphael
- Rationalism
- Rationed
- Raw material
- Reader
- Readership
- Real Presence
- Realism
- Realist
- Reason
- Rebekah
- Rebellion
- Recant
- Received Pronunciation
- Reception
- Recession
- Reconciliation
- Rector
- Rectory
- Red Sea
- Redeem
- Redeemer
- Redemption
- Redemptive
- Reflections
- Reformation
- Reformed
- Reformer
- Refrain
- Regenerate
- Regeneration
- register
- Regular Clergy
- Regularis Concordia
- Reign of terror
- Relic
- Religion
- Religious
A-Z: General definitions: Readership
The group of people who read a specific text, whether it be a newspaper or the books of a particular author.
The writer of a text, to be distinguished from the narrator.
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