A-Z: General definitions
- Rabbi
- Rachel
- Rack
- Rahab
- Rainbow
- Ramah
- Ramoth-Gilead
- Ransom
- Raphael
- Rationalism
- Rationed
- Raw material
- Reader
- Readership
- Real Presence
- Realism
- Realist
- Reason
- Rebekah
- Rebellion
- Recant
- Received Pronunciation
- Reception
- Recession
- Reconciliation
- Rector
- Rectory
- Red Sea
- Redeem
- Redeemer
- Redemption
- Redemptive
- Reflections
- Reformation
- Reformed
- Reformer
- Refrain
- Regenerate
- Regeneration
- register
- Regular Clergy
- Regularis Concordia
- Reign of terror
- Relic
- Religion
- Religious
A-Z: General definitions: Regularis Concordia
Code of monastic rules approved for English monasteries in 970.
The monastic movement consists of communities of monks. Communal life was built around prayer, the opus dei or work of God.
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