The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale Timeline

Year Historical Literary Author
1330 John Gower born
1331 William Langland born
1337 Hundred years war begins
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer born
1341 Petrarch crowned Poet Laureate in Rome
1346 Battle of Crecy
1347 England captures Calais
1348 Black Death breaks out in England
Order of the Garter established
1350 First paper-mill built in England Pride of Life Morality play
1352 Winner and Waster alliterative poem
1357 Chaucer enters the household of the Countess of Ulster
1359 Chaucer captured by French soldiers - Edward III contributes to ransom costs
1360 First version of Langland's Piers Plowman appears Chaucer works as a diplomat in negotiations with the French king
1360s: Chaucer marries Philippa de Roet, has children
1361 Black Death
1362 For the first time, the King addresses parliament in English, not French
English declared official language of law courts
Approximate date, Piers Plowman A-text
1365 ? late 1360s: Chaucer writes The Book of the Duchess
1367 Chaucer given a life pension by Edward III
1370 1360s - 1370s: Chaucer travels to Italy, ?Spain, Flanders, Paris
(-1387) Chaucer's early writings: dream visions, translations Troilus and Criseyde
1373 (-1388) Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love (short and long versions)
1374 Government controlled by John of Gaunt Chaucer given the post of Controllership of Customs and Subsidy of Wools, Skins and Hides in the Port of London
Mid 1370s: Chaucer begins work on The House of Fame
1375 Boccaccio dies
1376 John Wycliffe preaches disendowment of clergy
The heir-apparent, the Edward, Prince of Wales, dies
Earliest record of York mystery plays
1377 Richard II becomes king, grandson of Edward III
Edward III dies
Approximate date of Piers Plowman B-text Chaucer appoints a deputy in the customs
1378 Great Schism (-1417), rival popes in Rome and Avignon
1380 Cloud of Unknowing Early 1380s: Chaucer writes The Parlement of Fowles
1381 Wat Tyler leads the Peasants' Revolt
University of Oxford condemns Wycliffe's teachings
1382 Wycliffite complete translation of Bible
1384 Mid 1380s: Chaucer writes Troilus and Criseyde
1385 Gower's Vox Clamantis (L.)
1386 Gower's Confessio Amantis (ME) Chaucer gives up Controllership of Customs but appointed Knight of the Shire of Kent
1387 Chaucer's (-1400) Canterbury Tales
1388 Wycliffe produces first English translation of the Bible
1389 Richard II appoints Chaucer as Clerk of the Works
1390 1390-93: John Gower writes Confessio Amantis
Piers Plowman C-text
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, Patience, Cleanness
1391 Chaucer appointed Deputy Forester at Petherton, Somerset
1392 Earliest mention of Coventry plays
1394 Mid 1390s: A large proportion of the Canterbury Tales completed
1399 Richard II overthrown by Henry IV, cousin of Richard II Henry IV awards Chaucer a new pension. Chaucer moves to a house in the grounds of Westminster Abbey
1400 Welsh rebellion led by Owain Glyndwr William Langland dies Chaucer dies in October
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