A-Z: Famous stories from the Bible: Jairus' daughter


Jesus was by a lake one day when Jairus, one of the rulers of the Jairus' daughtersynagogue, came rushing up to him. He fell at Jesus’ feet and begged him to come to his house as his twelve year old daughter was dying.
‘If you come and lay your hands on her, she will live!’ he said.

So Jesus went with him. But before they arrived at Jairus’ house, men came from there with the news that the girl was dead. Jesus told Jairus not to be frightened but to continue believing in him, and carried on. He took with him just three of his disciples – Peter and the brothers James and John.

At Jairus’ house, the mourners were already crying and telling everyone what had happened. Jesus sent them all out of the house. Taking with him only the three disciples and the girl’s parents, he went into the room where she lay. Then he said,

‘Little girl, get up!’

At once the girl came back to life, stood up and walked around the room.

‘Do not tell anyone what I have done,’ Jesus told her parents. ‘Now – fetch her something to eat!’

The story illustrates:

  • One aspect of Jesus’ miraculous power – his power over death
  • The importance of faith.

Bible References

Mark 5:21-24, Mark 5:35-43
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