Jane Eyre Contents
- Social / political context
- Educational context
- Religious / philosophical context
- Literary context
- Note on chapter numbering
- Volume 1 / Chapters 1 - 15
- Volume 1: Dedication and Preface
- Volume 1, Chapter 1
- Volume 1, Chapter 2
- Volume 1, Chapter 3
- Volume 1, Chapter 4
- Volume 1, Chapter 5
- Volume 1, Chapter 6
- Volume 1, Chapter 7
- Volume 1, Chapter 8
- Volume 1, Chapter 9
- Volume 1, Chapter 10
- Volume 1, Chapter 11
- Volume 1, Chapter 12
- Volume 1, Chapter 13
- Volume 1, Chapter 14
- Volume 1, Chapter 15
- Volume 2 / Chapters 16 - 26
- Volume 3 / Chapters 27 - 38
Education in Victorian England
Education was not universal during Charlotte Brontë's lifetime. Many people received little or no formal education and were unable to read or write, particularly in the new industrial slums:
- Long established schools such as Eton and Winchester had existed for hundreds of years, but were only accessible to the wealthy and powerful, and this period saw the establishment of many more of these public schools
- There were also old grammar schools, usually in towns and cities, which offered education to some poorer students, but places were limited and they were accessible only to boys
- There were elementary schools (i.e., junior and infant schools), often set up by either the Church of England or Nonconformist churches
- There were also various kinds of charity school, established for particular kinds of pupils, such as the daughters of poor or deceased clergymen, as in the case of Lowood School
- Other schools were established as small-scale private charities, such as the village school where Jane teaches, which is funded by Rosamund Oliver
- Trades unions and other organizations also set up various kinds of educational establishments, aimed at improving the education of adult members of the working classes
- Some educational provisions were included in the Factory Acts of the 1830s and 1840s
It was not until 1870, seventeen years after Charlotte Brontë's death, that the Education Act was passed and made a significant start on the provision by the government of universal elementary education, a process which was completed by the Act of 1902.
The 'Established' or state church of England, the result of a break with the Catholic church under Henry VIII and further developments in the reign of Elizabeth I.
In the U.K., any Protestant group or church that does not adhere to the teachings of the State Church, the Church of England or, in Scotland, the Church of Scotland.
1. Term for a worshipping community of Christians.
2. The building in which Christians traditionally meet for worship.
3. The worldwide community of Christian believers.
Someone ordained as a priest, deacon or bishop to teach, conduct religious services, administer the sacraments and provide pastoral care within the Christian Church. Until recently, only men could be so ordained.
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