Volume 3, Chapter 6 / 32

Synopsis of Volume 3, Chapter 6 / 32

Rosamond, St John and JaneJane continues to run the school very successfully and is often visited by Rosamond, usually at times when St John is also there. Jane paints a small portrait of Rosamond, which St John gazes at with love and longing. He admits that he is in love with Rosamond, but is determined to pursue his plan to go to the East as a missionary. As he covers Rosamond's painting with a piece of paper, something on the paper catches his attention, but he refuses to tell Jane what it is.

Commentary on Volume 3, Chapter 6 / 32

‘sitting in sunshine' Thomas Moore, Lallah Rookh (1817), Third Day.

a lusus naturae A freak of nature.

sacred altar .. sacrifice The sacred altar is St John's commitment to his Christian mission, which would always be his priority, and to which other people, however much he loves them, might well be sacrificed.

Heaven … elysium … true Paradise Jane knows that St John would reject the worldly Elysium (the ancient Greek pagan heaven) of being with Rosamond for the true Paradise, only to be enjoyed after death, of the Christian God.

Guy Fawkes is Arrestedthe fifth of November, and a holiday This day is celebrated with fireworks to mark the foiling of the plot by Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605.

a new publication … the bright pages of Marmion Walter Scott's poem was published in 1808, but all other indications suggest that the action of the novel takes place at least twenty years later. See The context of Jane Eyre.

to ‘burst' … sea S. T. Coleridge The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, lines 101-2.

My foundation .. mansion in heaven St John here tells Jane that he expects his work for God to earn him a place in Heaven. It refers to Jesus' assurance to his followers that there was lots of space ready for them in heaven John 14:2

numbered in band … hope of heaven for fear of hell? St John holds the Calvinist belief that heaven will accommodate only a selected number of Christians.

blood-bleached robe This seems an oxymoron, since blood leaves a stain, but according to Christian theology, the blood shed by Jesus as he was crucified has the power to cleanse (bleach) believers of their sins. See Revelation 7:14.

A Christian philosopher … sect of Jesus St John energetically rejects Jane's suggestion that he is a pagan philosopher and insists on his belief in the Gospel and his devotion to Christ.

‘till this mortal put on immortality' According to Christian belief, after the death of the mortal body, Rose, photo by Mrmariokartguy available through Creative Commonsbelievers will be given a new, immortal (undying) one. See 1 Corinthians 15:53.

She is well named the Rose of the World, indeed! This is the literal meaning of ‘Rosamond'.

Cui bono? (Latin) For whose good (benefit)?

Investigating Volume 3, Chapter 6 / 32
  • How would you describe Jane's feelings about Rosamund?
  • Re-read the passage ‘By this time he had sat down … rose, and stood on the hearth'.
    • How would you describe St John's feelings about Rosamund?
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