A-Z: General definitions
- W B Yeats
- Wages
- Wall Street Crash
- Wallis Simpson
- Walsingham
- Walter Hilton
- Walter Map
- Walter Raleigh
- Wandering Jew
- Wanderings
- War in Heaven
- War to End All Wars
- Wash
- Washing of the disciples' feet
- Water
- Waterloo
- Watershed
- Way
- Weaker Vessel
- Wedding
- Weed
- Weeping, wailing, gnashing
- Welfare state
- Well-made play
- Weltpolitik
- Wesleyanism
- West Bank
- Western Front
- Westminster
- Wheat
- Where two or three are gathered
- Whirlwind
- Whit Sunday
- Whited Sepulchre
- Whitsun
- Whizz-bang
- Whole Duty of Man
- Whore of Babylon
- Widow
- Wilderness
- Wilfred Owen
- Wilhelm II
- Wilkie Collins
- Will of God
- William Blake
- William Godwin
A-Z: General definitions: Whizz-bang
The slang term given to by the troops for a small shell. When it was discharged the whizz-bang travelled so fast that the sound of its flight was heard only an instant, if at all, before the sound of its explosion. A very frightening weapon.
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