Volume 3, Chapter 2 / 28

Synopsis of Volume 3, Chapter 2 / 28

Jane travels by coach as far as her small stock of money will take her and begins to seek work in a village. Penniless, she begs for food and spends the night out of doors. After a further day of hunger and cold, she fears that she will die if she spends another night outside. Then she comes across a house and through the window sees two young women reading and talking abut German literature. She knocks at the door and begs for food and shelter. The servant treats her in a hostile manner but she is taken in at the insistence of the brother of the two young women Jane has been watching.

Commentary on Volume 3, Chapter 2 / 28

a north-midland shire The next section of the novel takes place in north Derbyshire, close to the Yorkshire moors.

We know that God is everywhere … by God would he be guarded This is the strongest and most direct statement in the novel so far of Jane's belief in God's power and protection.

my Maker … of me See Luke 12:20:'this night thy soul shall be required of thee': i.e Jane might die. Christ then goes on to talk about how people rely on God for their physical Milky Way seen from Earth, photo by IsabelleVP available through Creative Commonsneeds.

the mighty Milky Way Much more frequently and clearly visible in the nineteenth century, before the growth of large towns and the spread of artificial lighting. A thin faint blue strip of stars; our own galaxy as seen from within.

a hamlet Morton appears to be based on Hathersage in Derbyshire, which Charlotte Brontë remembered from a visit in 1845.

plain-workwoman A woman who does simple sewing jobs.

‘Da trat hervor … mit dem Gewichte meines Grimms' From The Robbers (1781) by the German playwright Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805), a drama about revolt against the corruptions of society. The lines quoted translate as:

‘Then one stepped forward who looked like the starry sky … I weigh thoughts in the scale of my anger, and actions with the weight of my wrath'

Investigating Volume 3, Chapter 2 / 28

  • How does this chapter contribute to the plot of the novel?
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