Christina Rossetti, selected poems Contents
Not all website contain accurate or relevant material. The following are reputable and useful for a wider appreciation of Rossetti's life, times and works:
The Victorian Web contains a lot of useful contextual information about the Victorian period. It also has a whole section on Christina Rossetti which includes biographical information and several commentaries on her poetry.
This is a free online archive of Anglican texts, many of which are out of print. Including all the Tracts for the Times and many sermons written by the Tractarians, it is a valuable resource if you wish to contextualise some of Rossetti's poems within the framework of the debates occurring in the contemporary church with which she was familiar. The site also includes many poems by Tractarian leaders such as John Keble, Isaac Williams and John Henry Newman.
You will have to sign up to use this website but you can have a 48 hour free trial period in which you can browse Rossetti's letters. The digital edition included on the website incorporates the complete text of the 4-volume print edition, The Letters of Christina Rossetti, 4 vols, ed. by Antony Harrison (Charlottesville; London: University Press of Virginia, 1997-2004).
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