Christina Rossetti, selected poems Contents
Christina Rossetti, selected poems Timeline
Year | Historical | Literary | Author |
1825 | Stockton - Darlington Railway opens | Hazlitt's The Spirit of the Age | |
1826 |
Power looms destroyed by unemployed weavers Further attempts at Parliamentary reform defeated |
Marriage of Gabriele Rossetti and Frances Mary Lavinia Polidori | |
1827 | Birth of Maria Francesca Rossetti | ||
1828 |
Test and Corporation Acts repealed Duke of Wellington becomes Prime Minister |
Birth of Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti | |
1829 |
Catholic Emancipation Act Robert Peel creates metropolitan police force |
Carlyle's Signs of the Times | Birth of William Michael Rossetti |
1830 |
Death of George IV and accession of William IV Earl Grey's Whig reforming government 'Captain Swing' rural riots Opening of Manchester - Liverpool Railway July Revolution in France Greek independence from Ottoman Empire secured |
Cobbett's Rural Rides Charles Lyell (Dante Gabriel?s Godfather), Principles of Geology |
1831 |
Wellington resigns as Prime Minister in opposition to Parliamentary reform National Union of the Working Class founded Michael Faraday discovers electromagnetic induction Cholera outbreak in England |
Mill's The Spirit of the Age | |
1832 |
Parliamentary Reform Act passed Passage of the Great Reform Act Morse invents the telegraph |
Chambers' Edinburgh Journal and Penny Magazine (-1837) begin | |
1833 |
First Tracts for the Times published Factory Act limits children's working hours and includes provision for education Abolition of Slavey Act |
Carlyle's Sartor Resartus (-1834) | |
1834 |
New Poor Law British Empire abolishes slavery |
1837 |
Death of William IV and accession of Queen Victoria Brunel, Great Western Railway |
Carlyle's The French Revolution Sarah Stickney Ellis, The Women of England: Their Social Duties and Domestic Habits |
1838 |
Anti-Corn Law League founded Chartist petitions published London to Birmingham railway opens People's Charter issued |
Letitia Landon dies, Gold Coast | |
1839 | First Factory Inspector's report |
Carlyle's Chartism Darwin's The Voyage of the Beagle Ellis' The Women of England:Their Social Duties and Domestic Habits |
1840 |
Penny post begins Queen Victoria marries her cousin Albert, who becomes Prince Consort. |
1841 |
The Tories come to power. Sir Robert Peel becomes Prime Minister Punch begins |
1842 |
Jowett becomes tutor at Balliol College, Oxford Chartist riots. Report on Sanitary Conditions of Labouring Population Mudie's Lending Library opens Illustrated London News begins |
First surviving poem by Rossetti, To My Mother |
1843 | Theatre Regulation Act |
Thomas Carlyle's Past and Present Ruskin's Modern Painters (vol. 1) |
Begins attending Christ Church, Albany Street |
1844 |
Co-operative Society founded in Rochdale Factory Act (women and children) Expansion of railways across Britain |
Disraeli's Coningsby, or The New Generation published | |
1845 |
John Henry Newman converts to Catholicism Financial speculation in Railways Onset of the Irish potato famine The first Anglican sisterhood, Park Village, is founded in the Christ Church parish |
Disraeli's Sybil, or The Two Nations published E. A. Poe, Tales of Mystery and Imagination |
1846 |
Repeal of Corn Laws Famine in Ireland Whigs come to Power |
1847 |
Railway reaches Dorchester Ten Hours' Factory Act |
Disraeli's Tancred | Verses: Dedicated to her Mother , privately printed by her grandfather |
1848 |
Chartist demonstrations in London following by the collapse of the Chartist movement Democratic Revolutions in Europe. Cholera epidemic Public Health Act Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood founded |
Marx and Engels' Communist Manifesto Newman's Loss and Gain |
First poems are published in the Athenaeum Engaged to James Collinson (member of the PRB) |
1849 | Bedford College for Women founded | Charles Kingsley's Alton Locke | Salt for Dante Gabriel Rossetti as model for Mary in Ecce Ancilla Domini! |
1850 |
Roman Catholic hierarchy established Public Libraries Act |
Charles Kingsley, Alton Locke Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter |
Engagement with Collinson is ended Writes Maude: A Story for Girls |
1851 |
Great Exhibition in London Taylor Mill's The Enfranchisement of Women |
Ruskin's Stones of Venice Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe |
Assists mother with a school for young children |
1853 |
Cholera epidemic Crimean War |
Yonge's Heir of Redclyffe | |
1854 | Onset of Crimean War | Gabriele Rossetti dies | |
1855 |
Daily Telegraph Repeal of stamp duty on newspapers |
Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South | |
1856 | Crimean War ends | Dickens, Little Dorrit | |
1857 |
Railway extended to Weymouth Indian Mutiny Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act |
Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary Hughes' Tom Brown's School days Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh |
1858 |
Ballantyne's Coral Island English Woman's Journal begins George Eliot, Scenes of Clerical Life |
1859 |
Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species published Rise of movement for Home Rule in Ireland |
Smiles' Self Help published Mill's On Liberty |
1860 | Cornhill Magazine begins | ||
1861 |
Death of Prince Consort American Civil War begins |
Dickens, Great Expectations Beeton's Book of Household Management Wood's East Lynne |
1862 | Braddon's Lady Audley's Secret |
Rossetti's Goblin Market and other poems Meets poets Jean Ingelow and Dora Greenwell. Joins Portfolio Society |
1863 | The Oxford Declaration published | Kingsley's The Water Babies | |
1864 | John Henry Newman's Apologia Pro Vita Sua | Moves to Hastings for three months to improve health | |
1865 |
American Civil War ends Women's Suffrage Campaign Transatlantic cable laid Joseph Lister establishes antiseptic surgery Completion of St. Pancras' railway station Slavery is abolished in the USA |
Matthew Arnold's Essays in Criticism | Travels to Switzerland and Italy |
1866 |
Cholera epidemic Former slaves granted citizenship and equal rights in America Ku Klux Klan founded |
Swinburne's Poems and Ballads (dedicated to Rossetti) published |
The Prince's Progress and Other Poems Declines proposal of marriage from Charles Cayley |
1867 |
Second Reform Act Fenian Rising in Ireland |
Marx's Das Kapital published George Eliot's Felix Holt, the Radical |
1868 | Gladstone becomes Prime Minister | ||
1869 |
Opening of Suez Canal Mill's The Subjection of Women |
Arnold's Culture and Anarchy Blackmore's Lorna Doone |
1870 |
Education Act: free education in new board schools First Married Women's Property Act |
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Poems | Commonplace and Other Short Stories |
1871 |
Trade Union Act Darwin's The Descent of Man |
Suffers from Graves? disease | |
1872 | MacDonald's The Princess and the Goblin | Sing-Song: A Nursery Rhyme Book | |
1873 |
Mill's Autobiography Pater's Studies in the Renaissance |
Sister, Maria, joins All Saints' Sisterhood |
1874 | Annus Domini: A Prayer for Each Day of the Year | ||
1875 | Gilbert & Sullivan's Trial by Jury | ||
1876 |
Invention of telephone by Alexander Graham Bell Queen Victorian proclaimed Empress of India |
Death of Maria | |
1877 | Enrols on course of lectures on Dante?s Divine Comedy at University College London | ||
1878 |
Gramophones first produced by Thomas Edison Newman made Cardinal Revolutions in Europe |
Hardy's Return of the Native published Gilbert and Sullivan's HMS Pinafore |
1879 | Electric lightbulb invented | George Meredith's The Egoist published | Seek and Find: A Double Series of Short Studies on the Benedicite |
1880 | (-1881) First Boer War, also known as the Transvaal War | Hardy's The Trumpet Major is published | |
1881 | First Anglo-Boer War |
Hardy's A Laodicean published Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Ballads and Sonnets Uncle Remus series, J C Harris |
A Pageant and Other Poems Called to be Saints: The Minor Festivals Devotionally Studied |
1882 |
First commercial production of electricity Married Women's Property Act, enables women to buy, own and sell property and to keep their own earnings |
Death of Dante Gabriel | |
1883 | Fabian Society founded |
Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathrustra |
1884 |
Ruskin's Storm Cloud of the Nineteenth-Century Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain |
1885 | Haggard's King Solomon's Mines | Time Flies: A Reading Diary | |
1886 | Death of Frances Rossetti | ||
1887 | Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee celebrating 50 years of her reign | Haggard's Allan Quartermain | |
1888 |
Jack the Ripper murders five women in London Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society |
Arnold's Essays in Criticism (Second Series) | |
1889 | Newman dies | Death of Gerard Manley Hopkins | |
1890 |
First underground railway in London Sir James Frazer's The Golden Bough (first two vols; complete 13 vols., -1915) First of the Jim Crow laws passed to segregate blacks from whites in the South Southern states pass series of laws to restrict black voting rights |
William Morris' News from Nowhere Emily Dickinson, Poems |
1891 | William Morris, Kelmscott Press | Gissing's New Grub Street | |
1892 | Daimlers sell their first motor car | The Face of the Deep: A Devotional Commentary on the Apocalypse | |
1893 | Independent Labour Party formed | Verses (reprinted from Called to be Saints, Time Flies and The Face of the Deep) | |
1894 | Death of Christina Rossetti | ||
1895 | Oscar Wilde arrested and imprisoned for homosexuality |
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