Religious and theological themes
Satire of the Pope and Catholicism
As you will see from the Social / political context section of this guide, Doctor Faustus was written at a time of religious conflict and controversy in England. Marlowe, through his work as a government agent (see Author section) was well acquainted with the nature of the conflict. The main anxiety was that, after the reformation of the English Church under Henry VIII, his eldest daughter's brief return to Catholicism, and the consolidation of Protestantism in the long reign of Elizabeth I, the country would be invaded or otherwise undermined and returned to Catholicism. (See Religious / philosophical context > Protestant versus Catholic)
In this atmosphere, it is hardly surprising that Doctor Faustus contains a good deal of satire of the Pope and his court as representatives of the Catholic faith (see Scene 8). The worldly interests in food and drink exhibited by the Pope, his cardinals and bishops carry the weight of the play's religious satire. Faustus and Mephastophilis play practical jokes on the Pope and his monks, exposing them as non-spiritual and materialistic. The Pope's inability to deal with the apparent presence of evil spirits at his court is also the target of Marlowe's satire and this is strengthened by the jokes about the excommunication ritual and the mocking remarks about Purgatory. (See Synopses and commentary > Scene 8 and Characterisation > The Pope, Emperor, the Duke and Duchess and his court)
Grace and damnation
The play is full of references to grace and damnation. Faustus' practice of black magic and his pact with Mephastophilis, the agent of God's enemy Satan, condemns him to damnation and eternal punishment in Hell. But throughout the play, almost until its last lines, Faustus is conscious of the possibility of repentance and salvation, by the intervention of God's grace and mercy. This is the message carried by the Good Angel and the Old Man (see Characterisation > Good and Evil Angels and the Old Man). Both these characters remind Faustus that God's forgiveness is granted to even the greatest of sinners, provided that they are truly penitent. It is for this reason that Mephastophilis is always alarmed when Faustus calls on God for help: he understands the power of God's grace as well as his punishments. And it is the sense that he has cut himself off from God that makes Faustus' final speech so anguished and poignant. (See Imagery and symbolism > Imagery in the final scene)
Good and evil
The conflict between good and evil and God and the devil lies at the heart of the play, and the battleground is Faustus' soul. The Good and Evil Angels, representing the two sides of Faustus' character, are constantly fighting for its possession, while the Old Man is a living example of an individual whose soul belongs firmly to God. Other characters also vie for Faustus' soul: Valdes and Cornelius tempt him towards necromancy and conjuring the devil, while Wagner and the scholars try to persuade him in the opposite direction. (See Characterisation > Valdes and Cornelius and Three Scholars) Increasingly, the speeches of the Chorus, especially that which ends the play, emphasise how far Faustus has strayed from the path of goodness. (See Structure > The role of the chorus).
Term given to the movements of church reform which in the sixteenth century resulted in new Protestant churches being created as an alternative to the Roman Catholic Church.
Used as a general term, describes Christian groups which accept the ancient creeds such as the Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Anglican churches.
Christians whose faith and practice stems from the Reformation movement in the sixteenth century which resulted in new churches being created as an alternative to the Roman Catholic Church.
A genre which ridicules some one or something. It can be poetry, drama or fiction.
The supreme governor of the Roman Catholic Church who has his headquarters in Rome, in Vatican City. In certain circumstances, his doctrinal utterances are deemed infallible.
1. Sometimes used to denote all Christians
2. Used specifically of the Roman Catholic church.
In the hierarchical structure of the Roman Catholic church, Cardinals represent the layer between Archbishops and the Pope. They are responsible for electing a new Pope, and they meet regularly with him in council.
In certain Christian denominations leader of the Christian community within a geographical area.
Member of male religious community.
The public exclusion of a Christian from participation in the life, sacraments and ministry of the Church.
In traditional Roman Catholic doctrine, an 'antechamber' to heaven, a place between Heaven and Hell, where the souls of those dead who are not damned, but not yet fit for heaven, go to be purged (purified) of their sins.
Undeserved favour. The Bible uses this term to describe God's gifts to human beings.
Word used in the Authorised Version of the Bible for punishment or destruction, referring to the fate of those who are found on the Day of Judgement to have rejected Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:12-15).
The Bible describes God as the unique supreme being, creator and ruler of the universe.
The devil; the term 'Satan' actually means 'Enemy' and is often used to refer to the force of evil in the world.
Jesus describes hell as the place where Satan and his demons reside and the realm where unrepentant souls will go after the Last Judgement.
The act of turning away, or turning around from, one's sins, which includes feeling genuinely sorry for them, asking for the forgiveness of God and being willing to live in a different way in the future.
In the Bible, salvation is seen as God's commitment to save or rescue his people from sin (and other dangers) and to establish his kingdom.
The showing of pity and compassion; in particular, the grace and forgiveness offered by God to sinful humans if they repent of their wrong-doings.
1. The action of forgiving; pardon of a fault, remission of a debt.
2. Being freed from the burden of guilt, after committing a sin or crime, through being pardoned by the one hurt or offended.
Someone who disobeys God's will by their actions or failure to act. The Bible regards all human beings as predisposed to sin.
An individual who confesses guilt and desires to seek forgiveness, especially the forgiveness of God.
Also known as Satan or Lucifer, the Bible depicts him as the chief of the fallen angels and demons, the arch enemy of God who mounts a significant, but ultimately futile, challenge to God's authority.
The spirit which gives life to a human being; the part which lives on after death; a person's inner being (personality, intellect, emotions and will) which distinguishes them from animals.
The supposed practice of communicating with the dead, through an apparition or raising a dead body, with the intention of predicting the future.