Wilfred Owen worksheet downloads

Worksheet downloads - The poetry of Wilfred Owen

 Topical worksheets 

 Investigate worksheets 

 Owen: (a) The Letter   Investigate! Owen: 1914 
 Owen: (a)i Edited Letter    Investigate! Owen: Anthem for Doomed Youth
 Owen: (b) Disabled   Investigate! Owen: At a Calvary near the Ancre 
 Owen: (c) Voices   Investigate! Owen: Disabled 
 Owen: (c)i Voices   Investigate! Owen: Dulce et Decorum Est
 Owen: (d) Sonnets   Investigate! Owen: Exposure
 Owen: (d)i Sonnets   Investigate! Owen: Futility
 Owen: (e) Religious Imagery   Investigate! Owen: Greater Love
 Owen: (e)i Religious Imagery   Investigate! Owen: Hospital Barge
 Owen: (f) Sound effects   Investigate! Owen: Insensibility
 Owen: (f)i Sound effects   Investigate! Owen: Inspection
   Investigate! Owen: Le Christianisme
   Investigate! Owen: Mental Cases
   Investigate! Owen: Miners
   Investigate! Owen: SIW
    Investigate! Owen: Soldier's Dream
    Investigate! Owen: Sonnet on Seeing a Piece of Our Heavy Artillery Brought into Action
    Investigate! Owen: Spring Offensive
    Investigate! Owen: Strange Meeting
    Investigate! Owen: The Dead-Beat
    Investigate! Owen: The Last Laugh
    Investigate! Owen: The Letter
    Investigate! Owen: The Parable of the Old Man and the Young
    Investigate! Owen: The Send-Off
    Investigate! Owen: The Sentry
    Investigate! Owen: Wild with All Regrets

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