Wilfred Owen, selected poems Timeline

Year Historical Literary Author
1893 Independent Labour Party formed Wilfred Owen born on 18th March at Plas Wilmot, Oswestry to Tom and Susan Owen
1895 Oscar Wilde arrested and imprisoned for homosexuality Mary Owen, sister, born
1897 Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Plas Wilmot sold. Owens move to Shrewsbury.
Harold Owen, brother, born
1899 ( - 1902) Second Boer War
Irish Literary Theatre founded
Ibsen's When We Dead Awaken
Pinero's Trelawney of the 'Wells'
Symons' The Symbolist Movement in literature
Wells' Tales of Space and Time
1900 Most children under eleven attending elementary school
Daily Express founded
Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams
Birth of Colin Owen
Wilfred enters Birkenhead Institute
1901 Queen Victoria dies. Edward VII king
First transatlantic radio communication by Marconi
Wells' The First Men in the Moon
1902 Balfour Education Act establishes state system of secondary schools
Second Boer War ends
Bennett's Anna of the Five towns
Mare's Songs of Childhood
Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles
Kipling's Just So Stories
1903 Wilbur and Orville Wright make first powered flight
New York-London news service begins using wireless telegraphy
Emmeline Pankhurst founds the Women's Social and Political Union
Butler's The Way of All Flesh
James' The Ambassadors
The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. du Bois
Owen holidays with his mother at Broxton, in rural Cheshire. Aged 11, he found his ‘poet-hood’ in Nature
1904 Entente Cordiale settles colonial differences between UK and France
Offset printing invented
Abbey Theatre, Dublin, founded
Freud's The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
Hardy's The Dynasts, Part I published
J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan first performed on stage
James' The Golden Bowl
1905 Start of suffragette agitation and first suffragettes imprisoned
Einstein's special theory of relativity
Freud's Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
Doyle's The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Wells' Kipps
Owen family holiday in Scarborough
1906 Liberal landslide in general election; 29 Labour MPs elected and Labour Party constituted Mare's Poems
1907 Pablo Picasso introduces cubism Owen starts at Shrewsbury Technical School
1908 Old Age Pensions Act introduces state pensions for the over-seventies
Ford's first Model T car sold in Britain
Pathe's first regular newsreel
First aeroplane flight in Britain
Edmund Gosse's Father & Son published
Bennett's The Old Wives' Tale
Wells' The War in the Air
Owen reads and admires Wordsworth’s poetry ‘The wisdom and spirit of the universe .. is the power that teaches the child through nature’
1909 North Pole reached by Robert Peary (US)
NAACP founded 
Galsworthy's Strife
Pound's Personae
Wilfred Owen and his father visit Brittany, France
1910 Edward VII dies. George V becomes king
South Wales Miners' strike
First post-impressionist exhibition in London
First feature-length films
Freud's On Psychoanalysis
Collapse of cotton farming due to boll weevil damage
Galsworthy's Justice
Wells' The History of Mr Polly
While on holiday in Devon, Owen visits the granddaughter of Samuel Coleridge, the Romantic poet
1911 Ford Model T assembly plant opened in Manchester
Beatrice and Webb's Poverty
Der Blaue Reiter group of expressionist artists formed in Munich
Frazer's The Golden Bough (11 vols.-1915; first two vols., 1890)
Roald Amundsen reaches South Pole
Suffragette riots in London
Wells' The New Machiavelli Owen works as a pupil teacher at Wyle Cop School; starts to read Keats and sits London University Matriculation Exams
Owen passes London University exams but without honours needed for a scholarship
Owen is appointed lay-assistant to the Rev Herbert Wiggin at Dunsden, nr Reading
1912 First Post-Impressionism Exhibition in London
Titanic sinks
Widespread strikes in Britain
Women's Franchise Bill rejected by the House of Commons; suffragettes riot in London
Some 400 cinemas in London; establishment of British Board of Film Censors
Bridges' Poetical Works
Mare's The Listeners
Georgian Poetry, ed. Edward Marsh
Pound's Ripostes
Mann's Death in Venice
Owen sits the scholarship exams for Reading University
1913 Suffragette Emily Davies dies after throwing herself under the King's horse at the Derby
Freud's Totem and Taboo; also Interpretation of Dreams
Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring
'Cat and Mouse' Act
House of Commons passes Irish Home Rule Bill but rejected by the House of Lords
Suffragette deonstrations
Marcel Proust publishes first of the seven volumes of A la recherche du temps perdu (Remembrance of Things Past) (last volume, 1927) Owen leaves Dunsden and breaks with the Evangelical approach to Christianity
Owen suffers from congestion of the lungs
Owen hears he has failed the Reading University exams
Owen leaves England for France where he teaches English at the Berlitz Language School in Bordeaux
1914 August: Great War breaks out (to November 1918)
Irish Home Rule Act passed but later suspended because of war
World War One - although segregated, black soldiers enlisted to fight in US armed forces
Pound's Des Imagistes Owen ‘comes of age’ at 21
Owen tutor to a Catholic family in Bordeaux
Owen meets Laurent Tailhade, a French symbolist poet
1915 War intensifies with huge losses
Zeppelin attacks on London
Sinking of Lusitania
Einstein's general theory of relativity
Second Battle of Ypres
Brooke's 1914 and Other Poems
Buchan's The Thirty-Nine Steps
Kafka's Metamorphosis
Maugham's Of Human Bondage
Some's Imagist Poets: An Anthology, ed. Amy Lowell (further Imagist anthologies followed in 1916 and 1917)
Ford Maddox Ford's The Good Soldier
The English Channel is considered too unsafe to cross. Owen remains in France until September
Owen returns to England and joins the Artists’ Rifles in October
1916 Easter Rising, Dublin
Conscription introduced
Battle of the Somme
Theories of shell-shock develop
Jung's Psychology of the Unconscious
Battle of Verdun
Lloyd George becomes Prime Minister
The Great Migration to the north begins (US) 
Brighouse's Hobson's Choice
Wells' Mr Britling Sees it Through
Owen attends a training course in London where he shows his poems to Harold Munro at the Poetry Bookshop
Owen commissioned into the Manchester Regiment and leaves for the Western Front on 29th December
1917 USA enters war
Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele)
Russian Revolution (March)
Freud's Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Abdication of Czar Nicholas II
Russian Revolution (October)
1st January: Owen joins the 2nd Manchesters on the Somme near Beaumont Hamel
6th January: Owen holds the dug out in no man’s land where the sentry is blinded (The Sentry)
20th January: front line the platoon suffer severe frost (Futility)
March: Owen suffers from concussion
May: suffers from shell shock
June: at Craiglockhart meets Sassoon and Robert Graves
Nov: Owen at Scarborough on light duties, where he writes and redrafts many poems
1918 End of the Great War: Armistice, 11 November
Rutherford splits atom
Representation of the People Act (4th Reform Bill) gives the vote to all men over twenty-one and women over thirty
Stopes' Married Love; Parenthood
Fisher Education Act raises school-leaving age to fourteen
Influenza pandemic, kills over 20 million people world-wide by 1920
Execution of Czar Nicholas II
Vote given to all men over twenty-one and women over thirty
Joyce's Exiles
Thomas' Last Poems
Jan: Miners published
Spring: Owen at Ripon Command Depot where he redrafts poetry
June: Owen passed as fit for active service
August: Etaples, France
Sept: Amiens, France
Oct: assault on Beauvevoir-Fonsomme after which Owen is awarded the Military Cross
Nov 4th: Owen killed on the Oise-Sambre Canal
Nov 5th: London Gazette reports Owen’s promotion to full Lieutenant
Nov 8th: Owen buried at Ors
Nov 11th: Armistice declared. News of Owen’s death received by his parents in Shrewsbury
1919 Treaty of Versailles
Anglo-Irish War begins
Nancy Astor becomes first woman MP
Flu pandemic
Peace conference at Versailles
Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence
1920 Partition of Ireland
League of Nations founded (precursor of the United Nations)
Oxford admits women to degrees (1880 at London University)
Jung's Psychological Types
Christie's The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Mansfield's Bliss
Strachey's Eminent Victorians
Hardy's Collected Poems
Owen's Poems published
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