Chapter 33 (Volume 2, Chapter 14) (Instalment 20):

Estella tells me where she is going / I take Estella to her destination

Synopsis of Chapter 33 (Volume 2, Chapter 14) (Instalment 20)

Estella reports she is going to live with a lady at Richmond who will do for her what Matthew and Herbert Pocket are doing for Pip. She tells Pip that members of Mr. Pocket's family are sending damning reports of him to Miss Havisham, and she is bitter about the relatives who fawn on Miss Havisham in the hope of a legacy. She also tells Pip of the effects of her upbringing in that atmosphere, and assures Pip that the malicious reports of him do not influence Miss Havisham.

On leaving the inn, they pass Newgate and Estella expresses contempt for the inmates; Pip dare not, for shame, mention his visit there. Although he is aware that Estella has no real feelings for him, he remains infatuated and returns to Hammersmith feeling confused and sad.

Commentary on Chapter 33 (Volume 2, Chapter 14) (Instalment 20)

Her manner was more winning … Miss Havisham's influence in the change Pip is still convinced his money comes from Miss Havisham and that she wants him to marry Estella.

(I was not at all happy there at the time, observe, and I knew it well.) Dickens uses a bracketed statement to introduce a comment from the elder Pip to contradict the younger Pip..

‘They do me no harm, I hope?' … Estella burst out laughing. Estella's reaction here and in the next few lines suggests that she knows well that Miss Havisham is not the source of Pip's money.

Whatever her tone with me … against trust and against hope Pip's life is becoming more painful as he grows and learns, but he feels himself helplessly trapped both by his love for Estella and his new social circumstances.

Attributed to Adolf GnauthMoses in the bulrushes typified by a soft bit of butter Moses was born during the Israelites' captivity in Egypt, and had to be abandoned by his mother. She put him in a basket and hid him in the rushes by the river, watching until the daughter of Pharaoh came to wash, and rescued the baby and brought him up as her own. Moses later led his people out of captivity. See Exodus 2:1-25.

hoops and wigs and stiff skirts Richmond preserves the air of the eighteenth century.

Investigating Chapter 33 (Volume 2, Chapter 14) (Instalment 20)
  • Re-read the short paragraph beginning ‘The bill paid and the waiter remembered …'
    • What does this episode suggest to you about the basis of the relationships between the staff at the inn and their guests?
  • Make a list of all the new information, including all the hints about the source of Pip's money, given to the reader in this chapter
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