The Color Purple Contents
- The Color Purple: Social and political context
- The Color Purple: Religious and philosophical context
- The Color Purple: Literary context
- Textual help
- Letter 1
- Letter 2
- Letter 3
- Letter 4
- Letter 5
- Letter 6
- Letter 7
- Letter 8
- Letter 9
- Letter 10
- Letter 11
- Letter 12
- Letter 13
- Letter 14
- Letter 15
- Letter 16
- Letter 17
- Letter 18
- Letter 19
- Letter 20
- Letter 21
- Letter 22
- Letter 23
- Letter 24
- Letter 25
- Letter 26
- Letter 27
- Letter 28
- Letter 29
- Letter 30
- Letter 31
- Letter 32
- Letter 33
- Letter 34
- Letter 35
- Letter 36
- Letter 37
- Letter 38
- Letter 39
- Letter 40
- Letter 41
- Letter 42
- Letter 43
- Letter 44
- Letter 45
- Letter 46
- Letter 47
- Letter 48
- Letter 49
- Letter 50
- Letter 51
- Letter 52
- Letter 53
- Letter 54
- Letter 55
- Letter 56
- Letter 57
- Letter 58
- Letter 59
- Letter 60
- Letter 61
- Letter 62
- Letter 63
- Letter 64
- Letter 65
- Letter 66
- Letter 67
- Letter 68
- Letter 69
- Letter 70
- Letter 71
- Letter 72
- Letter 73
- Letter 74
- Letter 75
- Letter 76
- Letter 77
- Letter 78
- Letter 79
- Letter 80
- Letter 81
- Letter 82
- Letter 83
- Letter 84
- Letter 85
- Letter 86
- Letter 87
- Letter 88
- Letter 89
- Letter 90
Letter 89
Synopsis of Letter 89
Although Shug and Germaine cannot find out what has happened to Nettie, Celie retains her belief that her sister will return home and updates her with family news.
Sofia has been hired to work in Celie’s store as a sales assistant to black customers, alongside the white man previously employed by Fonso, who is intimidated by her. Harpo happily takes care of the house. Sofia now earns enough to hire Eleanor Jane to look after Henrietta when needed, much to the fury of the Mayor’s family. However, Eleanor now knows Sofia’s circumstances, so retorts that it was a scandal that Sofia had to work for a ‘white trash’ family.
Celie and Albert are now good friends, even though Celie has refused Albert’s offer of re-marriage. He has continued to develop his sewing skills and is designing a shirt to go with Celie's trousers. He confesses how miserable he had been to not have Shug as his life-partner and questioned why people suffered, why they were black and even existed. He now believes that loving others is the solution and is in turn loved by Sofia, Harpo and the children.
When Shug writes to say she is coming to Georgia, Celie is calm, realising that she will be happy if Shug returns and content if she does not. This, she realises, is the lesson she has needed to learn all along.
Shug finally arrives, without Germaine whom she has sent to college. She admires Celie’s home and décor, and seems worried that Celie and Albert’s closeness could exclude her. However, she is reassured by Celie that she is equally loved by them both and finally relaxes.
Commentary on Letter 89
Several plot strands are finally resolved in this letter. The conflict between Sofia and Eleanor Jane is healed when Eleanor Jane learns the truth about how Sofia came to work in her family home as a prisoner. Eleanor Jane’s opinion that her family is no better than ‘white trash’ is a stinging indictment of any well-to-do Southern white family - working for a black woman marks a significant change in Eleanor Jane’s racial awareness. There is also a possibility that in time Sofia and Eleanor Jane might become true friends as a result of the courageous stand that Eleanor takes against her family’s racist behaviour. Sofia sees that her former ward is aware that she will be accountable for her behaviour to God on the day of judgement and is ‘working out her salvation’ (Philippians 2:12) by trying to redress the injustice done to Sofia.
Celie is now a successful business-woman with a prosperous lifestyle. Although much more self-confident, she is still kind and gentle and able finally to forgive Albert and recognise that their closeness is the result of a shared love for Shug Avery. She no longer has false expectations about life, nor is she overly dependent on another for her well-being. When she hears that Shug is coming back to live in Georgia, she knows that she can be content whatever Shug decides to do in the future. She echoes well known words from one of Paul’s epistles in the New Testament (Philippians 4:11-13) when he expresses contentment regardless of the circumstances.
Albert, too, has changed for the better, having learned to take pleasure from the small things in life; exactly the lesson that Shug taught Celie years earlier when she said God wanted people to recognize the beauty of creation. Note that here and in the final letter, Celie finally begins to call Albert by his given name, rather than referring to him by the impersonal title of ‘Mr_’ as she has done throughout the novel. Using Albert’s first name signifies that Celie has finally accepted her former husband as a friend.
Investigating Letter 89
- Sofia’s reminder about judgement is a reminder that every character in the novel has to face the consequences of their actions and attitudes
- Make a table of four columns headed
- Character
- Actions/attitudes
- Consequences
- Justice?
- Make a table of four columns headed
- List the main characters and fill out the next two columns for each, then decide which in your opinion are dealt with ‘fairly’ in the novel
- What do you sense is Walker’s overall message as a consequence?
- English Standard Version
- King James Version
- English Standard Version
- King James Version
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