Gerard Manley Hopkins, selected poems Contents
- As Kingfishers Catch Fire
- Binsey Poplars
- The Blessed Virgin Mary Compared to the Air We Breathe
- Carrion Comfort
- Duns Scotus' Oxford
- God's Grandeur
- Harry Ploughman
- Henry Purcell
- Hurrahing in Harvest
- Inversnaid
- I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark
- Synopsis of I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark
- Commentary on I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark
- Language and tone in I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark
- Structure and versification in I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark
- Imagery and symbolism in I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark
- Themes in I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark
- The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo
- Synopsis of The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo
- Commentary on The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo
- Language and tone in The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo
- Structure and versification in The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo
- Imagery and symbolism in The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo
- Themes in The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo
- The May Magnificat
- My Own Heart, Let Me Have More Pity On
- Synopsis of My Own Heart, Let Me Have More Pity On
- Commentary on My Own Heart, Let Me Have More Pity On
- Language and tone in My Own Heart, Let Me Have More Pity On
- Structure and versification in My Own Heart, Let Me Have More Pity On
- Imagery and symbolism in My Own Heart, Let Me Have More Pity On
- Themes in My Own Heart, Let Me Have More Pity On
- No Worst, There is None
- Patience, Hard Thing!
- Pied Beauty
- The Sea and the Skylark
- Spelt from Sibyl's Leaves
- Spring
- Spring and Fall
- St. Alphonsus Rodriguez
- The Starlight Night
- That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection
- Synopsis of That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire
- Commentary on That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire
- Language and tone in That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire
- Structure and versification in That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire
- Imagery and symbolism in That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire
- Themes in That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire
- Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord
- Tom's Garland
- To Seem the Stranger
- To What Serves Mortal Beauty
- The Windhover
- The Wreck of the Deutschland
- Beauty and its purpose
- The beauty, variety and uniqueness of nature
- Christ's beauty
- Conservation and renewal of nature
- God's sovereignty
- The grace of ordinary life
- Mary as a channel of grace
- Nature as God's book
- Night, the dark night of the soul
- Serving God
- Suffering and faith
- The temptation to despair
- The ugliness of modern life
- Understanding evil in a world God has made
Structure and versification in That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire
The effect of the coda
The extra coda makes the sonnet technically a caudated sonnet. These coda are used to state Hopkins' Christian faith. The sonnet as it exists in 11.1-14 is also technically known as a Miltonic sonnet, in that some of John Milton's sonnets did not have a neat octave/sestet division, but ran the octave over into the middle of the ninth line. The same can be seen here, the break coming after ‘Footfretted in it'. Similarly, the caudated part does not begin neatly at 1.15, since the meaning of the sestet runs on till the middle of l.16. The additional or third part formally begins in terms of meaning with ‘Enough!', a clear turning away from the Greek philosophy. The sonnet structure is really being pushed even further than in Spelt from Sibyl's Leaves.
Line length and metre
Hopkins has extended the length of line to a hexameter. He has chosen to mark in the caesura, too - unusually for him. A clear example of a hexameter line with an equal division of feet before and after the caesura is l.11:
‘Mán, how fást his fíredint,| his márk on mínd, is góne!'
The first part is trochaic; the second part iambic. It could be argued that ‘firedint', being a compound of two monosyllables, really should have a shared stress, each syllable counting as a half stress. In fact, that barely affects either length or metre, so it doesn't matter here, but elsewhere it could.
However, many of the lines seem to require extra feet in their scansion. For example:
‘Delíghtfully the bríght wínd bóisterous | rópes, wréstles, béats éarth báre'which gives us spondees on ‘wind', 'ropes', ‘beats' earth' and ‘bare', nine feet in all! Hopkins' idea of sprung rhythm would no doubt count some of these as outriders, but in the absence of any notation, it is difficult to see which words he wanted outside the metrical pattern. It is possible to pair words, such as ‘bright wind' and ‘beats earth' and say they share a stress, each word being counted as a half stress. That would keep the first half of the line to its allotted three feet, but still gives us an extra foot in the second half. We need to do some creative accounting here. This is always the problem when there are so many monosyllabic nouns and verbs.
In alliterative verse which is marked by a caesura, there are usually two alliterations in each half, or at least one half. So here the b-alliteration occurs twice in the first part, and twice in the second. Not content with that, Hopkins introduces another alliteration in the second part: the wr-/r one. In the earlier line scanned, we see the m-alliteration once in the first half, twice in the second. But again there is a second alliteration confined to one part of the line in fast/fire.
The rhyming scheme has been briefly commented on in the ‘I am and/diamond' rhyme, almost the only feminine rhyme. Technically ‘resurrection/dejection' are feminine rhymes, but either Hopkins disregarded this to force a male rhyme with ‘gone/shone', or he was making a new rhyme to echo the other. But when we consider ‘burns on'(l.9), again a feminine rhyme, we must presume he is teasing us with this mixed male/feminine rhyme. This is the c-rhyme and forms the glue to stick the coda on to the main sonnet.
- Scan ll. 1,17.
- How many feet?
- Can you discern the metre?
- What about alliterative patterns?
- How many feet?
- How would you read 1.7?
- Where would you put breaks, pauses and emphases?
- Do you see any plays on words or sounds that you would like to comment on?
- What would you say about the enjambement?
- The caesuras are marked, but do they actually represent mid-line breaks (or pauses)?
- Can you find lines where the pause comes differently from where the caesura is positioned?
- If so, what is the point of marking the caesuras in?
- Can you find lines where the pause comes differently from where the caesura is positioned?
- In the light of your answers above, do you feel confident enough to comment on the counterpointing that is set up?
- Overall, what would you say is significant about this sonnet?
- Do you think Hopkins has succeeded in making ‘This Jack, joke' significant enough to be someone worthy of resurrection?
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