Website resources

[Note: Remember that websites – including this one – are secondary resources like any other. It is important to check the source of the site and to find out about the author(s). Also, remember that any material you draw from the site should be clearly referenced in essays or project work.]

Many websites contain only minimal biographical information. Some of the more useful ones are:-

  • This is the official website for the Gerard Manley Hopkins Society, which has its headquarters in Monasterevin, Ireland, and also of the annual conference/ Summer School held there. Some of the material may be rather too academic for your immediate needs.

  • The University of Dundee have an extensive website on Hopkins, including this concordance. A concordance is a list of every single word that a book contains, plus where it is to be found in that book. Usually only the Bible and Shakespeare have concordances devoted to them. But this is useful if you want to trace an image through his poems.

  • This is the Catholic Education website, with many useful related links on it.

  • Mainly for teachers, this contains a number of ideas of how to teach Hopkins. Unfortunately, it only analyses twelve poems, and those rather at undergraduate level.

  • This gives useful summaries of themes and suggests likely exam questions, but there is no attempt to analyse any of the poems.
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