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Worksheet downloads - Metaphysical poetry


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 Metaphysical poetry: (a) An Introduction   Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: Thomas Carew, An Elegie upon the Death of the Deane of Paul's Dr John Donne, To a Lady that Desired I would love her 
 Metaphysical poetry: (a)i Conceits 

 Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: Cowley: Ode of Wit, Cleveland: Upon Phillis Walking, Crashaw: Hymn in Adoration, To the Countesse of Denbigh

 Metaphysical poetry: (a)ii Attitudes   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: Richard Crashaw, Hymn to St Teresa
 Metaphysical poetry: (b)i Argument (Donne's Death)   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: Richard Crashaw, St Mary Magdalene, or the Weeper
 Metaphysical poetry: (b)i Argument (Donne's Death)   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry:John Donne, A Hymn to God, my God, in my Sickness
 Metaphysical poetry: (b) Argument   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry:John Donne, A Nocturnall upon St. Lucies Day 
 Metaphysical poetry: (c) Speaker and audience 

 Investigate! Metaphysical poetry:John Donne, A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning

 Metaphysical poetry: (d) How are women perceived?   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry:John Donne, A Valediction: of Weeping
 Metaphysical poetry: (e) The Collar 

 Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne: Anniversarie, On his Mistris, Lovers' Infiniteness 

 Metaphysical poetry: (f) Song: Go, and Catch a Falling Star   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne, Batter My Heart 
   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne, Death be not Proud 
   Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne: Doubt and death: This is my playes last scene, What if this is present, Show me deare Christ, At the Round Earth's Imagin'd Corners
   Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne: Faithful love: Anniversarie, On his Mistris, Lovers' Infiniteness
   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne, Elegie XIX: Going to Bed 
   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne, The Extasie 
   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne, Good Friday, 1613. Riding Westward
   Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne: Searching for God: A hymn to God the Father, Oh my blacke Soule, Satyre III:'On Religion', Since She Whom I Lov'd

 Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne: Sexual love: Aire and Angels, The Dreame, The Flea, Goe and catch a falling star

   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne: The Good-morrow 
   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne, The Sunne Rising
   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: John Donne, Twicknam Garden 
   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: George Herbert, Affliction I 
   Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: George Herbert: Being Human: The Church-floore, Easter Wings, Life, Man, Vertue  

 Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: George Herbert: God's love and mercy: Discipline, Love II, Prayer I


 Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: George Herbert: Writing as a poet or priest: Aaron, Jordan I, Jordan II 

   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: George Herbert, Redemption 
   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: George Herbert, The Collar 
   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: Henry King, The Exequy 
   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: Andrew Marvell, The Definition of Love

 Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: Andrew Marvell, The Garden 

   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: Andrew Marvell, The Mower Against Gardens 
   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: Andrew Marvell, To his Coy Mistress  
   Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: Andrew Marvell, Pastoral poems: The Mower's song, The Mower to the Glo-Worms, The Nymph Complaining, The Picture of Little T.C., Upon Appleton House 

Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: Andrew Marvell, Religious poems: The Coronet, A Dialogue between Soul and Body, On a Drop of Dew


Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: Katherine Phillips: Lucasia Poems,
Richard Lovelace: The Grasse-hopper, To Althea

   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: Henry Vaughan, Ascension-Hymn 

 Brief Investigations! Metaphysical poetry: Henry Vaughan: Man, The Night, The Retreate, The Water-fall

   Investigate! Metaphysical poetry: Henry Vaughan, Regeneration 

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