Metaphysical poets, selected poems Contents
Structure and versification in Affliction I
The stanza structure is quite elaborate. The six line stanzas rhyme ababcc, giving the possibility of a final iambic pentameter couplet. In 9 of the 11 stanzas, this is what happens. The first four lines are a complete sense unit, leaving the last two lines to make some clinching statement. The first four lines alternate pentameters with trimeters; the latter making sure the verse does not get too static. Herbert refuses to let his versification get too heavy, especially as the subject-matter could easily get stuck in a morass of gloomy self-pity.
Investigating Affliction I
- Re-read Herbert's Affliction I
- What comes over to you about Herbert's honesty?
- In this I-thou dialogue, does Herbert give God a chance to reply?
- Or is he all too aware of what God is doing anyway?
- What would you want to question about Herbert's account of his life so far?
- As readers, we have an idea of the next chapter in Herbert's life
- Does this create for you any dramatic ironies?
The device, frequently used at the ends of lines in poetry, where words with the same sound are paired, sometimes for contrast ' for example, 'breath' and 'death'.
A term used of speech rhythms in blank verse; an iambic rhythm is an unstressed, or weak, beat followed by a stressed, or strong, beat. It is a rising metre.
A line containing five stressed syllables or feet.
A rhyming 2-line unit of verse.
A line of verse of three feet or stresses.
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