Structure and versification in Good Friday, 1613

Good Friday, 1613 is written in non-stanzaic form, as are the Elegies and Satires. The form is iambic pentameter rhyming couplets.


In fact, Donne finds his argument spills over frequently into enjambement, again fairly unusual for him. Thus ll.15-16; 23-24; 37-38. The final couplet reminds us of the final couplet in his Holy Sonnets: resolved and yet not quite done. The verse is low-key.

Investigating Good Friday, 1613
  • What do you find striking about Good Friday, 1613?
    • Even though you may not be the least religious, have you been able to enter into the religious imagination of the poet?
  • Look again at the section on symbolism in the poem
    • Is there further symbolism in Donne's allusion to west and east that we have not touched on?
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